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The RLPA is one of 11 independent associations that share the Association of College and University Housing Officers – International mission of advancing the post-secondary housing profession. The RLPA President meets monthly with the Presidents of the following organizations to exchange knowledge and address challenges impacting our profession:

Upper Midwest Region – Association of College and University Housing Officers (UMR-ACUHO)

Great Lakes Association of College and University Housing Officers (GLACUHO)

Mid-Atlantic Association of College and University Housing Officers (MACUHO)

Northwest Association of College and University Housing Officers (NWACUHO)

Northeast Association of College and University Housing Officers (NEACUHO)

Ontario Association of College and University Housing Officers (OACUHO)

Southeastern Association of Housing Officers (SEAHO)

Southwest Association of College and University Housing Officers (SWACUHO)

Association of Intermountain Housing Officers (AIMHO)

The Western Association of College and University Housing Officers (WACUHO)