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Strategic cohorts

This scholarship is intended to support attendance at the annual conference for a professional who would benefit from the experience and who may not otherwise be able to attend. This award aligns with providing incentives to engage strategic member cohorts as identified by the ACUHO-I Executive Board. Scholarship recipients are required to meet at least one of the following criteria:

1. Be a professional of color.2. Be a professional working full-time at a small college or university (under 2,000 beds) or an HBCU, Tribal or religious university.3. Be a new or advancing professional.4. Be a professional with an accepted presentation proposal for the annual conference

 The recipient of this scholarship will receive $1000.00 USD to support their attendance at ACUHO-I‘s Campus Home. Live! (formerly Annual Conference and Exposition).

We are not currently accepting applications for this scholarship. Please check back again soon.