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Anti-Racism Response Training – Session 4

June 23, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am

The Residence Life Professional Association’s Anti-Racism and Reconciliation (ARR) Working Group has been working to organize the Anti-Racism Response Training (A.R.T.) program for the RLPA membership. This program is a Canadian-based online series developed by Dr. Ishu Ishiyama and adapted for virtual delivery by Thanh Tazumi, Naomi L. Wolfe, and Sanchit Mittal. Through a witness-centred approach, the facilitator aims to equip participants with the understanding and tools to actively disrupt racism and build more inclusive communities.

This training is limited to 17 participants and registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please proceed with registration only if you are certain you can commit to all four parts of the series. The training is free of charge and will be conducted completely online via Zoom. We encourage broad participation, so feel free to share this opportunity with colleagues in other units you work with, such as Housekeeping, Housing, and Facilities.

The training will take place at the following dates and times:

  • Part 1: June 14, 10 AM – 12 PM (PT) / 11 AM – 1 PM (MT)
  • Part 2: June 19, 2 – 4 PM (PT) / 3 – 5 PM (MT)
  • Part 3: June 21, 8 – 10 AM (PT) / 9 – 11 AM (MT)
  • Part 4: June 23, 8 – 10 AM (PT) / 9 – 11 AM (MT)

Again, please ensure you are available for all four parts of the series before proceeding with your registration.

The Anti-Racism and Reconciliation Working Group is exploring ways that the RLPA can run this training again and running similar trainings in the future to continue to provide educational opportunities to our membership. If you have any questions, please contact the RLPA President Ty Thomas at president@rlpa.ca.

About the facilitator: Nouran is a student affairs professional with 5+ years of experience; she began her professional career in Residence Life, working at various institutions, including Queen’s University, SFU, UBCO and the University of Waterloo. She is currently a Student Rights and Responsibilities Advisor at University Canada West. Nouran is pursuing a Master’s of Applied Disability Studies at Brock University, with a specialization in Leadership, Diversity, Community and Culture.

Nouran has been an active contributor to professional associations. Nouran is the exiting OACUHO BIPOC Network’s Admin Co-chair. She presented a session focusing on student success and accessibility at the OACHUO 2022 Spring Conference. Nouran recently sat on the RLPA Board of Directors as the LEAD conference Chair-Elect, successfully co-chairing the first in-person conference since the COVID-19 pandemic. Nouran will be presenting a showcase session titled ‘Let’s Talk about Disability’ at the upcoming 2023 CACUSS conference. Nouran is a certified ScrumMaster, certified safeTALK trainer and Anti-racism Response trainer.

Auto-generated captions (live transcription) will be available during the training. In addition, the facilitator will be emailing out pre-training resources. A day or two before each session, participants will also receive a session handout. After each session, the facilitator will also share the slide deck and supplementary resources to enhance learning. For any questions or concerns regarding the training , please do not hesitate to contact Nouran at nouran.abdelrazik@ucanwest.ca


June 23, 2023
9:00 am - 11:00 am


Anti-Racism and Reconciliation Working Group

