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Benefits of Membership

The RLPA provides a multitude of benefits to its member organizations. Together, the RLPA helps represent Western Canadian institutions to larger association groups, such as NWACUHO and ACUHO-I.

While trends in housing and residence life tend to be similar across the nation, there are some challenges that are unique to our Western Canadian institutions. The RLPA provides a quick, easy, and convenient way for our member institutions to share information and respond effectively to any manner of challenges.

Whether your school is having issues with construction projects or bed bugs, the undeniable fact is those challenges are easier to tackle when you have the combined knowledge of 25 of Canada’s foremost Universities and Colleges, large and small, at your disposal.

Professional Development Opportunities

The RLPA meets twice yearly for formal meetings. Not only are these gatherings a great opportunity to catch up with what is happening in the area, but they also provide invaluable professional development. In fact, each meeting has a dedicated professional development time in which a highly qualified individual is asked to come and teach the gathered members about a certain topic.

This development has ranged from personality profiles to assessment best practices, and in each case has provided invaluable learning on the profession’s current hot topics.

Additionally, the RLPA has several elected positions that provide you or your professional team with developmental opportunities. There are vast skills to be gained from being involved in the planning of theĀ LEAD conference, which is the annual RLPA Student leader conference in Nordegg, AB. Additionally, the RLPA elects one qualified individual every two years to serve as the RLPA’s representative for the North West Association of College and University Housing Officers (NWACUHO).

Finally, the RLPA provides it’s members with a wealth of information on a variety of topics. So, whether you have a policy question and you wanted some “best practices” information, or perhaps there are conferences you wanted to attend (or might not even know about!) then the RLPA can help.

Membership inquiries can be directed at the RLPA President or you can register here.

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