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stars college scholarship

STARS College Information

STARS College allows undergraduate students the chance to learn more about the opportunities afforded with careers in student affairs and campus housing. This virtual event features group presentations, interactive sessions, small discussion groups, and faculty mentors. STARS College is for undergraduate college students who demonstrate significant interest in campus housing, residence life, and student affairs through their involvement or work experience during their time as an undergraduate. The STARS College 2024 will take place virtually as a part of Careers in Student Affairs month. Many of the sessions will be held “live” with some content available for participants to review independently before or following some of the sessions. Participants will spend time in large group sessions and time in small learning communities. The learning communities, led by a STARS faculty mentor, are designed to give participants more time to build connections and learn with peers. The 2024 STARS College will be held virtually and will include multiple days of live sessions along with information and activities between live sessions.

STARS College is designed for students who demonstrate significant interest in campus housing, residence life, and student affairs through their involvement or work experience as undergraduates. Registration is $50 and is limited to 60 students. Participants will receive access to live and recorded sessions, materials, and access to a learning community and faculty mentor.

You can learn more about the STARS College experience by watching this presentation from previous participants.

Scholarship Information

The Residence Life Professional Association (RLPA) will provide scholarships to cover the full cost of registering for selected student staff from member institutions to attend STARS College.

  • Have at least one year of full-time post-secondary education remaining after STARS College attendance.
  • Demonstrated significant interest in housing via involvement and/or jobs in the field of housing, Residence Life, or Residence Student Associations.
  • Currently attending an RLPA member institution.
  • Attend and fully participate in STARS College, happening virtually on October 6, 13, & 20, 2024.

Application Materials

Applicants will be assessed on the following material:

Your answers to the following questions:

    • Please describe the experiences that you have had so far in the housing and/or residence life field?
    • What are you hoping to get out of the STARS College experience?
    • How do you plan to take the knowledge learned from STARS College to share it with your institution’s housing department?

Please note that a member of the RLPA Executive Board will also reach out to your current supervisor to confirm their support of the candidate’s application.

The deadline for submitting applications is September 18, 2024.

Should an applicant fail to meet all of the criteria but feels that they warrant consideration, we encourage applicants to apply anyway, stating the criteria they do meet, and why a special consideration should be made. The selection committee will consider these applications on merit, and on a case-by-case basis.

For more information on STARS College, please visit www.acuho-i.org/stars